& Minimal Surfaces
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This video presents some ways to understand minimal surfaces (and triply periodic minimal surfaces - TPMS). It explores their geometry, where these mathematical structures pop up in nature, and what their value can be to architects and designers.
& Minimal Surfaces
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In this video we look more closely at the Marching Cubes algorithm and map out the steps we'll take to construct it. Then we set up our canvas in preparation for the first C# script.
& Minimal Surfaces
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In this video, we begin by creating the 14 base meshes that we’ll need for the Marching Cubes algorithm. Then, we rotate and mirror these meshes in different ways, collecting each sequence as a separate transformation to apply to our cube corners and the Boolean patterns associated with each base-case mesh.
& Minimal Surfaces
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In this video we finish the lookup table. This will give us a component that contains 256 branches—2 of which are null, 254 of which are the 254 possible meshes (ignoring ambiguous cases) for any combination of ‘inside’ or ‘outside’ cube corners.
& Minimal Surfaces
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This video gives an overview of how the remaining 5 videos connect the pieces for the Marching Cubes algorithm.