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Make Pasta
This tutorial explores one way equations can be used to make surfaces (and, as in our case here, meshes) in 3D modelling. To do this, we study a page in the unique and beautiful book Pasta by Design by George L. Legendre. In the first video of this series we make 2 ranges of integers and we pair them. We can think of these as similar to discrete pairs of 2 dimensional u, v coordinates falling on a surface. We then write 3 equations (created by George L. Legendre) that accept these 2 dimensional coordinates (one for X, one for Y, and one for Z). When we plug in our coordinate pairs we get points in 3 dimensional space that would fall on the surface of Legendre’s cavatappi.

Our next step is to make a mesh out of these points. We partition the list of points into branches and plug the resulting data tree into the C# script below.

Back to Pasta Mesh
Below is the C# script we used to make a mesh from a DataTree of points. This is all of the code from our scripting component.
// Grasshopper Script Instance
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;

using Rhino;
using Rhino.Geometry;

using Grasshopper;
using Grasshopper.Kernel;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Data;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Types;

public class Script_Instance : GH_ScriptInstance
  private void RunScript(DataTree<Point3d> inputPts, ref object a)
    // Write your logic here
    a = CreateMeshFromTree(inputPts);

  Mesh CreateMeshFromTree(DataTree<Point3d> inputPts)
    Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

    for (int i = 0; i < inputPts.BranchCount - 1; i++)
      List<Point3d> currentBranch = inputPts.Branch(i);
      List<Point3d> nextBranch = inputPts.Branch(i+1);

      if (currentBranch.Count != nextBranch.Count) continue;

      for (int j = 0; j < currentBranch.Count - 1; j++)
        Point3d pt1 = currentBranch[j];
        Point3d pt2 = currentBranch[j+1];
        Point3d pt3 = nextBranch[j+1];
        Point3d pt4 = nextBranch[j];

        int v1 = mesh.Vertices.Add(pt1);
        int v2 = mesh.Vertices.Add(pt2);
        int v3 = mesh.Vertices.Add(pt3);
        int v4 = mesh.Vertices.Add(pt4);

        mesh.Faces.AddFace(v1, v2, v3, v4);

    mesh.Vertices.CombineIdentical(true, true);

    return mesh;
And, here is the code for the CreateMeshFromTree function only:
  Mesh CreateMeshFromTree(DataTree<Point3d> inputPts)
    Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

    for (int i = 0; i < inputPts.BranchCount - 1; i++)
      List<Point3d> currentBranch = inputPts.Branch(i);
      List<Point3d> nextBranch = inputPts.Branch(i+1);

      if (currentBranch.Count != nextBranch.Count) continue;

      for (int j = 0; j < currentBranch.Count - 1; j++)
        Point3d pt1 = currentBranch[j];
        Point3d pt2 = currentBranch[j+1];
        Point3d pt3 = nextBranch[j+1];
        Point3d pt4 = nextBranch[j];

        int v1 = mesh.Vertices.Add(pt1);
        int v2 = mesh.Vertices.Add(pt2);
        int v3 = mesh.Vertices.Add(pt3);
        int v4 = mesh.Vertices.Add(pt4);

        mesh.Faces.AddFace(v1, v2, v3, v4);

    mesh.Vertices.CombineIdentical(true, true);

    return mesh;
Legendre, G. L. (2011). Pasta by design. Thames & Hudson.