Line AB
Line AB
This is a beginner Grasshopper tutorial that looks at a few different ways to use the Line AB component. After a brief introduction to the component, we go through 2 different examples using it to connect division points from curves.
Line AB
Circle (Part 1)
In this tutorial we will examine circles and some ways they relate to space organization. In nature, dividing space is fundamental. Because a deeper exploration of how nature leverages space division should be prefaced with an understanding of circle packing, we will use the circle component to explore circle packing in a couple different ways.
Line AB
Circle (Part 2)
In this video we bring what we learned in Circle Part 1 to a 3-dimensional space. We are still arranging circles on a 2-dimensional surface, but rather than a flat surface, we create a component that can organize them on a sphere.
Line AB
Construct Point
Points! They’re not as boring as you might think. They’re pretty great—coordinates in space: 2-D, 3-D, 4-D, more ... we’re just doing 3-D here, though. We’re overviewing the Construct Point component—using one of the simplest components to do some less simple things.